Usually, businesses can obtain acceptable levels of safety using intrinsically safe lighting and don't need to invest in explosion proof lights. What are the limits of that statement and why the difference in cost? Intrinsically Safe and Explosion Proof Lights are two classes of lighting based on two different ways of preventing explosions in a hazardous vapor atmosphere.
Engineer, Kevin Findlay describes the difference this way:
"The two most well-known protection methods...are intrinsic safety and explosion proof. The difference between the two is quite large and amounts to the idea of prevention vs containment....The containment school of thought allows the ignition to happen, but keeps it from spreading to open atmosphere where it becomes dangerous....Prevention controls the source of ignition, never allowing enough energy to make ignition possible. By far the most representative method of prevention is using intrinsically safe devices."
An intrinsically safe rating means that the electronics or wiring contained within the equipment can not spark at all.
Equipment with an explosion-proof classification does not mean that the lighting will survive an explosion. It means that the lighting is housed in an enclosure that will prevent an internal spark from causing an external explosion.
There are three recognized classes and two "divisions" of hazardous atmospheres that the lighting fixtures are judged against:
There are two "divisions" of hazardous conditions within each class:
Intrinsically safe lighting is low-powered lighting, often incorporating batteries and rechargeable batteries. This lighting often makes use of low-voltage bulbs, like light emitting diodes (LEDs). Halogen flashlights and high-intensity discharge lights (HID) are often classified this way.
In reality, intrinsically safe lights are based on designs that limit the amount of electrical energy used to non-incendive levels, so that sparks cannot occur at amperages and voltages that can cause explosions in hazardous atmospheres.
A typical fixed industrial IS lighting circuit would incorporate a temperature sensor installed in a way that limits the amount of energy to the light, based on the temperature. The lighting is controlled by ambient temperature, but must still meet high lighting standards.
High-intensity discharge lamps produce light in a transparent, sealed fused quartz tube or fused aluminum tube filled with gas and metal salts. An electric arc, started in the gas, heats and evaporates the metallic salts to form a plasma that intensifies the light caused by the arc itself. These high-intensity lights make light per unit of power more visible than fluorescent or incandescent bulbs. More of the energy produces visible light, rather than infra-red (heat) energy. However, the lights do use up the fuel (metallic crystals) and light levels drop by up to 70 percent over 10,000 hours of use.
The explosion-proof method is not limited to low-voltage lighting units. The wiring of explosion-proof devices is well understood and straightforward.
Intrinsically safe devices never allow an ignition to happen in the first place.